
Running in the Summer Heat

As most races are in the fall, summer is the perfect time create a plan and train for them! However, the heat can quickly become a hurdle in carrying out training plants and goals. My area has been hit with strong heat waves one after another this summer and it has made going outside miserable. I felt slow and less motivated, causing my runs to not feel as satisfying as I wish for them to be. So, I compiled a list of ideas that have helped me to get through the summer!

My tips for running in the heat:

  1. Run early in the morning or late in the evening, avoiding the middle of the day at all costs. I prefer the morning because typically half of the run is in cooler weather, just as the sun is rising. In the evening, we tend to have higher rates of humidity and it is more likely to rain which I try to avoid.
  2. Make sure to drink water throughout the day and not just before and after your run. Even if you run in the morning, you want your body to be well hydrated for your run, so this mean drinking plenty of water the day before as well.
  3. Wear sunscreen! Easier said than done. Most times I forget, but you should ALWAYS remember to wear sunscreen. Whether you are running on a trail or alongside the road, you will be hit with sun at one point or another so it is important to cover up.
  4. Wear a hat or sunglasses while you run. I didn’t really understand what an impact this small change would have until this summer. I used to think that the hat would make my head feel warmer or more sweaty, but turned out to be a great hack to keep my face shaded!
  5. If you’re doing a long run, carry your water with you. You can buy a vest or a belt to hold one or two small bottles of water in case you need it on your route. They are not as heavy as they seem and a great investment for long race trainings!
  6. Run smaller loops near your house so that in case you feel overwhelmed by the heat, you have the ability to go home quickly and safely should you need to do that.
  7. Listen to your body! If you feel dehydrated or tired, don’t push yourself to run in the heat. The excessive sun and humid weather will make it worse and recovering from something always takes more time than taking preventive measures. There are always other ways to exercise indoors (even running on a treadmill)!

I definitely am not a summer girl, so this summer provided many different challenges as it was consistently in the high 90s for nearly two months and I didn’t have access to a gym (or any indoor running facility). Glad that by the end of it I got a hang of it and the heat spell is finally coming to a slow end.

What are some tips you have for running in the heat or training in summer in general?

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